Revive Episode 1-2 Recap & First Impression

Drama: Revive (???????)
Airs: Thursdays
Episodes: 16

Ninja's Episode 1-2 Overview
An extremely talent actor, our hero Du Fei dreams of one day to stand on the pinnacle of the entertainment world with his best friend Xie Yi. Despite being no where near as talented as the hero, Xie Yi has found success to be easy while Du Fei is still struggling to carve a place for himself. Relying on Du Fei's help to propel him to stardom, Xie Yi is nonetheless intensely jealous of his best friend and eventually does the unthinkable thing of plotting to kill Du Fei. Clueless of Xie Yi's true feelings towards him, Du Fei gratefully listens to Xie Yi's "kind" suggestion that he should go for a drive in his (Xie Yi's) car to vent off some of his frustration of still being a peon actor.  

The hero is play by Marco who had a very memorable role in Journey of the Flower. 
Waking up in a hospital after a terrible car accident, it doesn't take much for Du Fei to figure out that his best friend had deliberately tempered with the breaks in order to kill him. Assured by his assistant that Du Fei is dead, Xie Yi feels like he is on top of the world as he accepts the coveted best actor award... and delivers the speech that he brazenly stole from Du Fei.

Seething with anger as he lays in the hospital bed and watches a triumphant Xie Yi on the tv, Du Fei accepts the help of a mysterious man who promises to give him a new life to seek his revenge.
Utterly shocked as the bandages finally comes off and he stares at the complete stranger in the mirror, Du Fei screams in horror as the mystery man declares that they have given him a perfect new face to help with his revenge plan.

Du Fei's new face is actually not random. The mystery man had gave Du Fei the face of the driver of the other car that collided with him when the man died. The driver's name was Mu Zi Che and he was a rebellious car racer from a rich family. 
Seemingly not suffering from any guilt, Xie Yi attends Du Fei's funeral and puts on his hurt expression when their mutual friend Lin Xuan yells "What did you do to Du Fei?! You took him to Korea but why did you only brought back his ashes?! Why didn't you die instead?"

Lin Xuan is also a very successful actress as well. She was once friends with both Du Fei and Xie Yi but it looks like she has caught on that Xie Yi was only friends with Du Fei to use him. 
With his talent and brand new face, Zi Che (the new Du Fei) easily catches the attention of the famous Director (Feng Jing) of a top talent agency (ESE). His alarm blaring the moment he sees Zi Che's acting during the interview selection, Xie Yi comforts himself that Du Fei is long dead but is disturbed enough that he orders his assistant to make sure Zi Che will not be accepted into ESE.

Fortunately for Zi Che, his performance left a deep enough impression on Feng Jing that he personally invites our hero to join his company. Ready to take the first step towards his revenge, Zi Che starts his journey by showing up for ESE's vigorous actor training.
Unfazed by the intense selection process that is suppose to weed everyone out except one top preforming candidate, Zi Che soon becomes an eye sore to his follow trainees when his determination to push himself ends up making more work for everyone else.

Furious when he walks in to the shower room to see Zi Che getting beat up, Feng Jing becomes thoughtful when Zi Che harbors no ill will towards the perpetrators but instead asks Feng Jing to be lenient with them.
Not surprisingly, Zi Che successfully completes the intense training/elimination  process and becomes an official talent for ESE. Working on a set as an extra, Zi Che is stunned when the beautiful lead actress suddenly yells in joy when she sees him and proceeds to talk in a very familiar manner with him. As it turns out, the lead actress's name is Liu Yi and she is someone that has been chasing after the real Mu Zi Che for a very long time. Gleefully assuming that Zi Che's new career choice as an actor must mean he is finally ready to accept her, Liu Yi happily present herself at Zi Che's house the next day. 
Constantly on thin ice as he tries to mimic the real Mu Zi Che in front of the car racer's mother and now Liu Yi, Zi Che (Du Fei) confesses to the mystery man that he is still unable to adjust to his new identity. Not mincing words, the mystery man warns Zi Che "You don't have much time to get ready anymore. According to what I know, someone is preparing to drag Du Fei back from hell." 

Ninja's First Impression:
For those of you who watched the first episode BUT haven't read the internet novel this show was based on you probably was kinda surprised at the intense chemistry that seems to be between the hero and Feng Jing. Out of curiosity I took a look at the internet novel and everything made a whole lot more sense once I realized the romance was actually between two male characters. With the Chinese government's restrictions there is no way Revive will actually follow the novel's plot so I am assuming the hero will end up having romantic entanglements with women instead. However, it does look like the show will try to insert as much "bromance" as they can get away with to pay homage to the novel.
 Probably because of the short episode count (for C-drama anyway), Revive's plot moves very quickly ...perhaps too quickly sometimes so that might be why the show's vibe still feels kinda uneven to me. I find myself shaking my head a few times when the show just seems too over the top, yet strangely I am intrigued enough by the story to stick with it for now. 
I do have one concern though...other than the hero I am not sure who the other main characters are. The show has set up two prominent female characters (hero's female friend (in the above picture) that he possibly have a crush on and the actress that has a crush on the real Zi Che) BUT then what's up with the sizzling chemistry between the hero and Feng Jing?? I realize the sizzling chemistry might just be a way to attract the novel's loyal readers but what about the poor heroine that is suppose to compete with that? 
Oh well, other than complete confusion on what ship to jump on Revive is a very pretty show with a good enough story that earns a spot on my "wait and see" list.

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