Frustrated as she looks at Alice's cool as a cucumber expression while she is getting more drunk by the second, Shu Lei calls Hao Yi on the phone and is overjoyed when he warns "Don't let Alice's mix alcohol. She only gets drunk when she does that." Sigh...our hero is not the smartest cookie...
Forced by Shu Lei to mix her alcohol, Alice quickly gets drunk but is still aware enough to stand up in anger when she sees Hao Yi rushing in and mutters "It's you! It's you who told her!" His eyes widening in alarm as he watches Alice stumbles and is about to fall on pieces of broken glass, Hao Yi runs towards Alice with all his might. Catching Alice at the last second in his arms, Hao Yi resolutely picks her up and starts heading for the door.
Stepping in the way, Peter (Han Ming) tries to stop Hao Yi from leaving but is left speechless when Hao Yi reminds him that the equally drunk Shu Lei is his date for the night.
Confused by Alice's drunken mutterings, Hao Yi replies "I am sorry... but is that wound because of me? What else do I not know?" Unfortunately, by this time Alice fell asleep again and Hao Yi's questions go unanswered.
Closing the door behind Hao Yi, Alice doesn't have the time to ponder Hao Yi's parting words as she is hit by a sudden pain in her head that forces her to her knee.
Meanwhile, Shu Lei also wakes up disoriented. Remembering the embarrassing pieces of the night before, Shu Lei quickly realizes that she had spent the night at Peter's house and is determined to make a better impression this time around.
Satisfied as she looks in the mirror to make sure she is still as beautiful as ever, Shu Lei walks out of Peter's bedroom ready to charm the man...that is until she has to forcefully turn off the game console in order to get Peter to even notice her. Apparently ready to drop his charismatic facade, Peter makes it clear to a stunned Shu Lei that instead of being excited by the prospect of having her spend the night at his house, he found the whole thing inconvenient and no where near as interesting as his video game.
Ha! There is still a nerd beneath all those muscles!
Noticing something is wrong with Alice the moment he sees her pale expression at work, Hao Yi decides to cheer her up by dragging her to the ice shop they used to frequent back in their school days. Regrettably, Hao Yi's kind gesture backfires when the ice shop owner informs them that they no longer sells Alice's favorite pudding ice and Alice walks away disappointed.
Surviving their bungee jumping experience together, Hao Yi tries to encourage Alice to tell him what's on her mind. Despite being sorely tempted to just tell Hao Yi about her tumor, Alice eventually decides to keep silent. In a voice over we hear Alice's true fear "He Hao Yi, if you knew I will die soon will you be sad for me? I really don't have the courage to use death to test your feelings for me."
Panicking without knowing why, Hao Yi grabs Alice's hand and asks "I feel like you are going to disappear again." Using her perpetually annoying logic, Alice says "If I am really going to disappear then you holding my hand won't make a difference." Undaunted by Alice's words, Hao Yi tighten his hold on her arm and answers "If holding your hand won't stop you from disappearing then I will keep holding on so I can disappear with you." Okay, not the smartest cookie but the boy sure has a way with words.
In the meantime, Hao Yi has also gotten word from his assistant about the explosion while driving on the road but due to the poor connection he only heard "Boss, there was an explosion and Miss Alice..." Fearing the worst, Hao Yi speeds to the company and runs all the way from the parking garage.
Standing not too far away, Shu Lei watches the whole interaction with a thoughtful expression.

True to her extremely straightforward personality, Shu Lei confronts Peter in the parking garage and asks "Do you like Alice?" In no mood to be tactful, Peter frankly admits that he likes Alice and is in fact trying pursue her. Not surprised by Peter's answer nor discouraged by it, Shu Lei declares her renewed mission to make Peter fall in love with her.
Realization dawning on her face, Alice tells Hao Yi "I know now why you told me that story about the Iron Heart Henry. But unlike Henry, there is not a person in this world that gives me the motivation to keep living in this world. A Henry that is without a prince is someone that can never open the lock around his heart."
With a small smile, Hao Yi replies "Who told you that you are Henry? I know everyone calls you a machine but I know better. To me, you are the Alice that believed everyone unconditionally and the one that pulled me out of the depth of a swimming pool. So now, I will be your Iron Heart Henry. I will wait for you to break the cruse and find yourself again. When that times comes, I will be celebrate just like Henry did."
Obviously moved by Hao Yi's declaration, Alice thinks to herself "Someone is worried about me. Someone is waiting for me. He Hao Yi, can I make you the reason that I should try to defeat that 50% chance of disappearing and wake up?"
Ninja's Thoughts
Hao Yi sure has made some pretty big strides in this episode as far as getting Alice to let her guard down a bit. At the end of the episode, it looks like Alice is even having her very first "friend" conversation with Hao Yi...albeit it was just a simple goodnight text from our hero. By the way, it sure seem weird that Alice doesn't seem to consider Peter a friend nor someone who would care if she dies. For all his charming playboy look, Peter sure has made VERY little progress in the last 13 years.
Sigh... according to the preview it looks like we are in for some bumpy rides next week with Hao Yi coming clean to Alice that his company wants to scout her and then the last disturbing scene of Alice hitting her head as she falls. Someone suggested amnesia in the comment section last week and I cringed at that. I actually consider myself quite accepting of the whole amnesia thing when appropriately used in a story but I really don't think this is the case here, so that's all hope the writer is not going to go there.
ps. That's one ugly princess... just saying.
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