Perhaps frustrated by Hae Gang's determination to protect Jin Eon with complete disregard for herself, Baek Seok reminds Jin Eon that despite Hae Gang's smiling face she is secretly crying in pain. Furious as he realizes Hae Gang has only been putting on a brave act in front of him while showing her pain to Baek Seok, Jin Eon can hardily suppress the fury in his voice when Hae Gang calls him on the phone.
Shaking his head when Hae Gang starts to tell him that she was only depressed from the many things that has happened, Jin Eon tells her "Even though I don't know what you are hiding, but I know you are lying. Contact me when you are ready to tell me the truth. Come quickly because I hate waiting. Even now, I feel like I am about to explode from my anger."
One Year Time Jump!
Stoic as Hyun Woo reminds him that Hae Gang is about to be release from prison the next day, Jin Eon tells his very frustrated best friend that Hae Gang is just a stranger to him. Feeling quite bad for Hae Gang, Hyun Woo complains that since Jin Eon has not paid Hae Gang a single visit when she was in prison the least he could do is to go pick her the next day but Jin Eon just insists that he will not have anything to do with Hae Gang anymore.
Sent by Hae Gang to figure out if President Choi's second confession is really written by him or not, Baek Seok pulls into Cheon Nyeon Pharmaceutical just as Jin Eon is walking out. Still insisting that Hae Gang is a complete stranger to him, Jin Eon tells Baek Seok that he has no intention of picking Hae Gang up from the prison the next day.
Hae Gang had found out that President Choi took some sleeping pills the night he supposedly wrote that second confession therefore should've been unable to leave the house to meet with with the prosecutor. There are some clues that Hae Gang probably suspected the truth for a while and could've had Baek Seok work on getting her out of prison but instead had wanted to serve her full prison sentence as a way to repent for her sin.
Clueless that both of our male leads are worrying about her, Hae Gang had rushed off to an orphanage the moment she left the prison to care for a sick little girl. Her heart breaking for the sick little girl and her falsely imprisoned mother, Hae Gang tells an incredulous Baek Seok that she is planning to go work at a Chinese restaurant where the real murder is at. Hae Gang had gotten to know the little girl's mother in prison.
I Have A Lover Episode 48
Utterly stunned when he looks up from the menu to see Hae Gang in a Chinese dress, Jin Eon shocked expression soon turns cold as he answers Hae Gang's emotional greeting with "Do I know you?" Seemingly not too surprised by Jin Eon's attitude nor Hyun Woo impassioned plea to do something about his best friend, the ever smart Hae Gang chatters on under the disguise of having a conversation with Hyun Woo when in reality she is saying everything she wants to say to Jin Eon. Frustrated by Hae Gang's tactic, Jin Eon storms out of the restaurant without touching his food.
Sitting at a bar with Hyun Woo who is trying hard to convince him to just get back with Hae Gang, Jin Eon confesses "She is hiding something. Something that she has to hide from me. I am afraid that it's about my father. If I ask, then everything might come crushing down..."
Patient as a drunken Jin Eon alternate between calling her "wife" and telling her "I am really mad at you," Hae Gang finally settles Jin Eon down in her bed. Gently caressing Jin Eon's sleeping face, Hae Gang cries with contentment as a sleeping Jin Eon pulls her to him in an embrace.
The next morning, a very hung over Jin Eon wakes up to find his best friend sleeping right next to him. Speechless as he watches Jin Eon trying hard to remember if Hae Gang was the one that took off his coat for him, Hyun Woo sneers "Since you can't remember, just believe what you want. How much did Hae Gang take off?"
Wearing a dreamy smile, Jin Eon replies "My watch, my socks and my coat." Grinning when Hyun Woo asks "Your heart is trembling over that? You are upset because you can't remember?", Jin Eon nods.
Curious, Hyun Woo asks "Why do you like her so much?"
Thoughtful, Jin Eon answers "My twenties, my thirties, my forties, she has it all. I am trembling. She still makes my heart tremble. Even yesterday, I thought my heart would stop."
Glaring at Jin Eon with disgust, Hyun Woo asks "So annoying. What happened to that woman has nothing to with me?"
Thoughtful again, Jin Eon replies "I know, right?"
Scoffing when Jin Eon declares that he is going to make Hae Gong come to him with a white flag, Hyun Woo laughs "You will? A punk like you? Yeah right?"
Grumpy as she accompanies Baek Seok to the orphanage to visit Hae Gang the first thing in the morning, Lawyer Ha's eyes light up as Hae Gang suddenly mentions "My husband." Left alone with Baek Seok once Lawyer Ha takes the little girl out to play, Hae Gang informs him that President Choi didn't betray her after all. Infuriated that the prosecutor had fabricated a false confession, Baek Seok is surprised when Hae Gang merely laughs and tells him "he will be out of a job soon."
After a whole year of worrying, Jin Li sobs in relief and concern when she finds an unconscious Tae Seok at her door. Unable to take the sick Tae Seok to the hospital, Jin Li hides her husband in her bedroom to take care of him.

Desperate to find the evidence that would exonerate the little girl's mother, Hae Gang forces herself to be calm even when her boss (the murder) calls her to his office. Reacting quickly when her boss advance towards her menacingly, Hae Gang kicks the man and runs away with his glasses in hand (that's the evidence she needed).
His anger building with every glance at the bloody wounds on Hae Gang's hand and knee, Jin Eon pulls to the side of the road and tells Hae Gang to get out. Sighing, Hae Gang promises to contact Jin Eon when his anger subsides, but Jin Eon just drives away after saying "Don't. I have deleted your number."
Standing on the side of the road, Hae Gang watches as Jin Eon speeds away ...then screeches to a stop. Allowing herself the slightest hint of a smile, Hae Gang waits as Jin Eon backs the car to where she is.
Not too surprisingly, Hae Gang doesn't seem too opposed to that idea as she answers Jin Eon's declaration with a small smile.

One of my favorite scene was when Jin Eon walks in to find his mother complaining to his imaginary father about a past incident when she tried pay Hae Gang to leave her son but Hae Gang just turns around and pulls out all the money in her wallet to get Mama Choi to stop her son from following her around. Breaking out in a grin as he listens to the story, Jin Eon assures his mother who keeps complaining about how little Hae Gang thought her son was worth that Hae Gang had gave everything she had back then.
I had really expected the whole prison thing to be a lot more painful than it was but surprisingly the show had done a great job in making the whole experience into one that finally allows Hae Gang to put the past behind her. Granted, there is the argument Jin Li raised about the fairness of it all for Hae Gang to think she can move on from her past but then I think Mama Choi had a great reply as she tells Jin Li that she has come to the conclusion that life is too short to dwell on who's to blame.
Ah... I am pretty sad that I Have A Lover is wrapping up next week but in a way I also feel like it's time to finally sent our character off to their happy endings. I just wish the writer will let us see more childish sides of Jin Eon because they are just simply hilarious.
I Have a Lover very nice tv show Full episode