Gladly accepting Zhi Yu's (2nd male lead) invitation for some coffee,Yu Tang shyly shakes her head in embarrassment when Zhi Yu recounts how Yu Tang's willingness to wipe up some spillage on the floor during a secretarial party left a deep impression on him in the past.
Tired from working late into the night then getting summoned to Wen Kai's house early next morning to clean his pool, Yu Tang can't help but yawns non-stop.
Changing into some dry clothes, Wen Kai shakes his head when he walks in to find Yu Tang asleep on the sofa. Putting a bottle of ginger tea he personally made by the sleeping Yu Tang, Wen Kai reluctantly rushes off to work.
Unable to extract her hand when the feverish Wen Kai grabs it and refuses to let go, Yu Tang ends up falling asleep on his bed and wakes up the next morning to find Wen Kai staring intently at her.
YOURS is the company Yu Tang has been trying to contact so she could persuade them to sign a big contract with them.
Unable to shake off his anger from watching Yu Tang getting into another man's car even when he gets to work, Wen Kai's poor employees shrink in puzzlement when an usually sever Wen Kai vents his frustration on them.
Although convinced that Wen Kai has willy nilly changed the date just to torture her, Yu Tang nonetheless hands Wen Kai the ginger tea she has bought for him as a repayment for his kindness before. Hiding his pleasure as he accepts the tea from Yu Tang, Wen Kai doesn't answer when a puzzled Elsa wonders why he won't explain about the deadline change but allows Yu Tang to think the worst.
Heading out to meet with Elsa, Wen Kai's attention is caught when he overhears two secretaries giggling over a certain guy's assertion that he will teach Yu Tang a lesson during their annual secretarial party.
Swallowing her pride as she kneels to wipe the wine Secretary Zhang purposefully spilled on his shoes, Yu Tang forces herself to smile even as all her old acquaintances gather to laugh at her. Pleased as he walks away after reminding Yu Tang that she should've accepted him before, Secretary Zhang laughs as he tells the staff that her party invitation is fake.
Just when Yu Tang is about to be forced to leave the party amid everyone's jeers, the prince like Zhi Yu suddenly shows up and asks Yu Tang "Can you be my date tonight?"
Intently mindful of all the jealous stares as she walks around with her hand on Zhi Yu's arms, Yu Tang turns down Zhi Yu's offer to accompany her to meet with Secretary Zhang and insists that she needs to confront difficult things on her own.
Jubilant when he realizes Yu Tang is going to deliver herself into his hand to be shamed once again, Secretary Zhang ignores Yu Tang's glare and puts his hand around her shoulder in an intimate manner. In the mean time, Wen Kai has just walked into the party to search for Yu Tang personally. Yeah!
Ninja's Thoughts
Well...our male second lead is sure not very memorable so far despite the writer's obvious intention to set him up as the PERFECT prince charming...but I guess we just need him around to make our hero crazy with jealousy.

As far as plot progression go, I feel like we are kind of stuck since for all intent and purposes Yu Tang is still fighting all on her own to save her department. We did see a slight improvement as some of Yu Tang's co-workers pulled together to make her a fake party invitation to meet with Secretary Zhang, but that sure doesn't seem enough when the whole department faces the crisis of being axed in two weeks.
BUT then who cares about story progress when things are starting to get increasingly interesting between our two leads!
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