Calmly admitting publicly that he is indeed dating Yu Tang, Wen Kai promises that he will not allow his personal matter to interfere with his work and also declares his willingness to resign if he somehow fails to solve this new crisis.
Excited to get a nod of approval from Wen Kai, Yu Tang and her co-workers are puzzled when instead of giving them the go ahead Wen Kai asks them to give him three days before doing a public announcement to assure their customers. Receiving a confirmation from Wen Kai that he knows full well how much chaos and bad publicity will result from waiting three days, Yu Tang and her co-workers decide to trust Wen Kai and give him their full support.
Patient as he waits for the chance to defeat Wen Kai once and for all, Zhi Yu hides his displeasure as he watches Wen Kai show off his relationship with Yu Tang right in front of him during a business meeting.
Mildly surprised when she walks out to find Zhi Yu waiting for her to drive her home, Elsa's already unhappy expression becomes even darker as Zhi Yu asks "I really don't understand why Wen Kai couldn't even spare a moment to drive you home. You have done so much for him...this current really don't think it's unfair?"
Handling all the snide remarks and the stares of disgust with a surprisingly positive attitude, Yu Tang assures Wen Kai that she will not leave him no matter what.
While our two leads are busy having a bonding moment, Elsa has finally made up her mind to betray Wen Kai and hands Zhi Yu a top secret document after being assured that she can jump ship to Zhi Yu's company at anytime.
Showing his impressive ability to plan ahead once again, Wen Kai manages to purchase a manufacturing plant and successfully convince the grumpy A Hui to work for his company exclusively. Pleasantly surprised by Wen Kai yet again, Yu Tang and her co-workers are in the middle of celebrating when Wen Kai is suddenly called back to the company by an unexpected emergency meeting.
Backed to the corner once again, Wen Kai refuses to explain himself but insists that he would only reveal the facts once the CEO gets back to the company. Impatient, the stock holders keep pressing for answers but eventually relents when Zhi Yu steps in and allows Wen Kai more time on the condition that he will not be able to move the company funds until the CEO gets back.
Stunned by the abrupt resignations of the company's best talents, a concerned Yu Tang rushes to Wen Kai's office to offer him her support. Finally connecting Zhi Yu to the troubles that have beset her work when she notices the two faced wooden figure, Yu Tang listens with amazement as Wen Kai slowly explains all the early signs of Zhi Yu's big ambition.
Surprised but not too hurt to find out that Zhi Yu has always been a wolf in sheep's clothing, Yu Tang is however extremely hurt by Elsa's decision to betray Wen Kai. Pausing the briefest second when Yu Tang asks him about Elsa, Wen Kai merely replies "Elsa has always been a very smart girl. She will be fine where ever she is."
Doing his own triumphant swaggering in Wen Kai's office, Zhi Yu tells a silent Wen Kai that he should start packing soon since the buy out will soon be a done deal.
Not to be left out, Yu Tang's co-workers arrives at that very moment and declares that they will also support Wen Kai no matter what.
Ninja's Thoughts
Hmm...I didn't quite expect Elsa to go as far as jumping ship to Zhi Yu's company. The show has given us plenty of indication that Elsa might still harbor some lingering feelings towards Wen Kai but I still don't think she would really betray him. In fact I think there are plenty of hints that Elsa and Wen Kai are letting Zhi Yu dig his own grave. Up to this point Zhi Yu has always been several steps ahead of Zhi Yu and of course Elsa knows this better than anyone so if she has really betrayed Wen Kai then there is no way Zhi Yu would be so confident because he would've found out right away that his every move was under Wen Kai's predication.
I was pretty surprised to find out that Zhi Yu actually believes himself to be completely sincere towards Yu Tang. I had wonder for a bit if maybe Zhi Yu was only interested in Yu Tang for his big take over plan but it seems like he really does like Yu Tang...even if his definition of like is the creepy controlling kind.
So anyone else was wailing in despair when our heroine felt the need to declare "What reason would ever make me leave you?!" AFTER the two leads has already promised that they will always stay together? Isn't that the equivalent of daring the drama god to come up with a reason to separate our two leads?! Oh, well. I guess that was the writer's way of foreshadowing since according to the preview that is precisely what's going to happen in the next episode.
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