Bumping into Peter by accident at the company, Shu Lei is visibly flustered when Peter asks "Have you thought about why I have begin to care less about Alice after I met you again?" Shaken when Peter suggests that he would be willing to take a step towards her if she could get over her pride to be the first one to show her interest, Shu Lei calls Peter's name to stop him from leaving but ultimately loses her courage under his expectant gaze.
Surprised to see Alice and to hear her declaration that he is the one she liked 13 years ago, Hao Yi wordlessly holds out the pudding cup he had ran all the way to buy.
Ahh, that's so sweet. If you remember, Alice's favorite pudding cups were sold by a street vendor that only sells them for a short time each day so that why Hao Yi was running around.
Despite Alice's firm conviction that he is the one she liked back in their school days, Hao Yi is not buying any of it. Frustrated when Hao Yi insists that Alice did not show any signs of liking him at all, Alice mutters to herself "Hao Yi is a dummy! I should've done this when I was 17!"
Marching towards Hao Yi with a determined expression, Alice grabs his head and plants a kiss right on his lips. Shyly pulling away from a stunned Hao Yi, Alice says "This is what I owed you back when I was 17."
Not about to let Alice walk off after the bomb she just dropped, Hao Yi makes his own claim "You also owe the thirty year old me" as he pulls her into his arms and plant a kiss much more befitting for their age.
Realizing that Alice has only remembered the good memories without any of the bad ones, Hao Yi decides that perhaps keeping Alice happy is the most important thing.
Their relationship confirmed, our two leads enjoy their first breakfast together as a couple...among other things...
Eyeing Hao Yi and Alice suspiciously the moment she spots the jelly made heart shape on the toast, Xiao Fen yells "I knew it!" once her brother freely admits that he and Alice are a couple now.
Completely clueless that someone Peter is referring to is herself, Alice mistakenly assumes Peter must've worked so hard to prove himself to Shu Lei.
Not surprised at all when Hao Yi confronts him about his high school secret identity, Peter doesn't bother to explain himself but asks Hao Yi instead "You are not going to leave Alice again this time are you?"
Sneering when Hao Yi replied that Alice was the one that left them, Peter demands "You three left Alice first. Did you think Alice should've just waited for you guys to come around? Out of three of you, not a single one cared about Alice but instead blamed her for leaving. Do you know what she had to go through back then?" Closing his eyes in despair as Peter ruthlessly recounts the isolation Alice went through and the real truth behind that fateful day when Alice was trying to save her best friend from Cheng Qi Tai, Hao Yi can only offer the feeble promise that he will not let Alice get hurt this time around.
Suddenly changing topic, Peter asks Hao Yi to keep his secret identity from his sister and Shu Lei. Guessing right away what Peter is up to, Hao Yi warns "I know what you are trying to do. But you better think it through carefully because this won't necessarily make Alice happy. Don't go overboard."
Switching to a flash back we see that after Alice saves Peter from being bullied by Cheng Qi Tai she quickly becomes the universal enemy of all of the girls at the school. Scared as she is pushed into a bathroom stall as buckets of water are dumped on her, Alice calls out to Shu Lei for help. Screaming for Shu Lei to save her, a hopeless Alice is pushed back into the stall as more water is dumped on her. It looked like Shu Lei was listening to music with earbuds but there seemed no doubt that she saw Alice's panicked stricken face.
Dismayed when he sees a drenched Alice sitting on the stairway by herself, Peter offers to go explain everything to her friends but Alice insists on explaining herself.
Not deterred by Peter's words, Shu Lei leans over him and declares "As long as I haven't said the word leave then you can't say it first."
Closing the distance between them, Shu Lei seals her edict with a kiss.
Ninja's Thoughts
I am so confused... I am still enjoying the show but it's getting hard to overlook some of the inconsistencies in the plot. For example, why is Alice still asking Hao Yi at this point why her two best friends didn't come see her at the hospital when she had the operation? I thought Shu Lei had explained everything pretty clearly that their friendship ended when Alice tried to "steal" her boyfriend 13 years ago. So if Alice believed Shu Lei's words then she should also believe that she had for some strange reason tried to steal Cheng Qi Tai from her best friend...which meant it was weird for her act all confused when Hao Yi brought up the guy's name.
Of course what's even more strange is Alice's matter-of-fact acceptance of Shu Lei's words when she really should know herself well enough to know that she would never like Cheng Qi Tai in the first place.
The whole thing with Shu Lei ignoring Alice's plea for help is also kinda odd. I am afraid the writer is going to use the earbuds to let Shu Lei off the hook by wanting us to believe that Shu Lei somehow didn't realize Alice was being bullied. But come on! In the flash back Alice was screaming Shu Lei's name and I just don't buy that she had the music on so loud to the point that she could block out all the commotion.
Oh, well. At least I am easily distracted by all the kisses in this episode to not think too much about the plot holes.
As much as I find Shu Lei's brand of friendship quite lacking I am having a hard time not liking her character and can't help but be a bit worried about what Peter is planning to do. While I do think both Shu Lei and Xiao Fen need to understand how much they hurt Alice in the past but whatever Peter have in mind is probably not the way to do it.
Then again, judging by Peter's habit of taking care of Shu Lei whenever she needed him I think it will be pretty difficult for him to follow through with his plan.
All text copyright @ www.NinjaReflection.com
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