Mi Soon & Mama Bong's Story:
Still fuming over being tricked by Mi Soon, Man Ho decides to take revenge by making sure Mi Soon doesn't win her cooking competition. Somehow managing to feel wronged despite being the one that tore Mi Soon's family apart, Se Ri helps Man Ho dump a large amount of salt into Mi Soon's ingredient then gleefully high fives Man Ho when the judges spit out Mi Soon's dish.
Taking a belated taste of her own dish, Mi Soon realizes the problem and stops a teary Mama Bong from trying to eat off other people's plate.
Mi Soon's very public failure on her cooking competition has a sever backlash on her restaurant's business as a wave of customers call to cancel their orders.
Sneaking over to Mi Soon's restaurant, Min Jung (married to Daddy Bong's brother) as the Bong family resident double agent sighs "This is like Romeo and Juliet!" when she sees the dish Mi Soon had carefully prepared for Mama Bong's birthday dinner. Moved by Mi Soon's sincerity, Min Jung promises Mi Soon that she will sneak the dish to the dinner table and make sure Mama Bong eats it.
Clueless of her family's big plan, the new Mama Bong waits for no one to celebrate her big day but prepares a birthday cake for herself since she figures without Mi Soon around no one else would remember anyway. Dumbfounded when they see Mama Bong walking out with a cake first thing in the morning, the Bong family quickly changes their surprise birthday party to a dinner feast. Perhaps finally realizing that he needs to do something to appease his wife, Daddy Bong personally cooks the feast for his wife.
His happy afternoon with Hae Ryung and his son rudely interrupted by Madam Lee (ex-mother-in-law), an agitated Ji Gun paces his hospital room with worry after his subordinate tells him that Hae Ryung has already found out about his hand injury via the annoying Madam Lee.
Getting more worried by the second, Ji Gun is about to change out of his hospital clothes to go check on Hae Ryung personally when Hae Ryung suddenly shows up. Putting on a brave expression, Hae Ryung tells Ji Gun "If you feel resentful then yell at me. I will be responsible for Seo Ji Gun."
Amused, Ji Gun smiles and asks "How are you going to take responsibility for me?"
Determined, Hae Ryung eagerly replies "Even though I don't make as much as a doctor, but i will publish a book soon. If that's not enough then I will go work at my dad's restaurant as well. I will take care of you."
Breaking out in a laugh, Ji Gun replies "I agree! Actually, My childhood dream has always been to live as an elegant bum."
Not fooled by Ji Gun's joking manner, Hae Ryung continues "You are lying again. But from now on, I won't feel apologetic even when I see your hand. Nor blame myself."
Knowing full well the guilt Hae Ryung is still carrying despite the brave front she has put on, Ji Gun gently pats her head and assures her "Thank you for not saying sorry. Just because I can't operate anymore doesn't mean I will stop being a doctor. So you don't have to worry about supporting me. Plus, I can still make a full recovery if I keep getting treated."
Clueless that the ambulance carrying Hyun Ki has just passed her by, Hae Ryung simply assumes that her ex-husband has just placed his work above his family yet again.
Stoic as his friend/doctor informs him of the brain tumor that will surly kill him in six months time if he doesn't have an operation, Hyun Ki ignores his friend's concern and insists on paying his son a visit before the day ends. After much pleading with the columbarium's security guard, Hyun Ki is eventually allowed to visit Seo Jin before midnight. Finally allowing himself to admit his fear of dying, Hyun Ki apologies to his son for not being a good father and husband.
It was heartbreaking here that Hyun Ki finally gets the courage to ask his mom to make the effort to learn cooking so he can eat more meals cooked by her but the clueless Madam Jang wrecks the chance again by saying she is too busy with work.
Not an obedient patient at all, Ji Gun decides to check himself out of the hospital and by chance sees Hyun Ki's brain scan. Shocked once he is informed that the VIP with the brain tumor is actually Hyun Ki, Ji Gun pays Hyun Ki a visit to check on Hyun Ki's condition with his own eyes.
Trying desperately to cover up his illness with a snappish attitude, Hyun Ki becomes even more prickly once he realize Ji Gun already knows and has come to convince him to have the operation. Immensely patient throughout his confrontation with Hyun Ki, Ji Gun walks away after shoving a bottle of pain medication into Hyun Ki's hand but pauses when Hyun Ki bitterly warns "If you tell Hae Ryung about my illness then you will die by my hand."
In a daze ever since he confirmed with his own eyes how bad Hyun Ki's condition is, Ji Gun just can't bring himself to go home despite knowing Hae Ryung and his family has been waiting for him. Finally dragging himself home, Ji Gun looks around at all the party decorations and remembers Hyun Ki's words "Isn't it better for you if I disappear?" Closing his eyes in frustration, Ji Gun whispers "Lousy jerk..." Ji Gun could be referring to Hyun Ki or himself...or maybe both of them.
Excited to introduce Ji Gun to her family on Mama Bong's birthday dinner, Hae Ryung eagerly gets up to open the door when a knock sounds...only to step back in dismay when it's Hyun Ki holding a bouquet of roses for her mother.
Arriving right on the heel of Hyun Ki's unexpected appearance, Ji Gun shows up just in time to make the situation even more complicated.
Ninja's Thoughts
Boy, this episode is just heart wrenching. I will admit that the whole brain tumor thing felt a bit contrived but I still cried buckets anyway. The crazy thing is that I felt so bad for Hyun Ki that sympathy even spilled over to Madam Jang. No matter how hateful Madam Jang is, I still can't help but wince at the thought of seeing a mother having to live through the horrifying experience of losing her child.
It was also heartbreaking to see from the flash back how an once unsophisticated Hyun Ki had nervously proposed to our heroine in front of her family. More and more we see proof that Hyun Ki could've, should've had a happy marriage with Hae Ryung but obviously things are too little too late now. I am actually quite curious if Seo Jin's death was the sole reason that turned Hae Ryung's marriage into a living hell or if things were already bad before but there were still enough good things to make the marriage a happy one overall. In another word, did Hyun Ki become the cold unfeeling robot because of his son's death or did he allow his work and his evil mother to turn him even before the tragedy.
All text copyright @ www.NinjaReflection.com
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