His heart heavy after realizing Mama Zhong passed away while out buying groceries to make a special meal for him, Wen Kai thinks back to his last conversation with Yu Tang's mother. Clueless about Mama Zhong's illness, Wen Kai listens quietly as she worries about Yu Tang's perfectionist personality and asks Wen Kai to take care of Yu Tang for her. Overjoyed when she finally exacts a promise from Wen Kai, Mama Zhong eagerly invites Wen Kai over for dinner and promises to make her special omelet for him.
In a great mood as she strolls with Wen Kai, Yu Tang confesses she had been worrying that her happiness lately seemed unreal but after a talk with her best friend she decides to simply be thankful for what she has right now.
Bubbling with gratitude for everything Wen Kai had done for her, Yu Tang sincerely thank Wen Kai for allowing her to meet him again after ten years. Cupping Yu Tang's face after she plants a kiss on him, Wen Kai whispers in reply "I am very thankful to you too, that I can meet you again." then leans in for a very tender kiss.
Interestingly, while Yu Tang is busy discussing with her co-workers who in the company (outside of Department Three) might be the mole, Wen Kai turns his gaze on the surveillance camera with a thoughtful expression.
Mildly surprised when Wen Kai simply cheered Department Three on to overcome their latest obstacle without doing anything more, Elsa asks "Aren't you going to help them this time?" Confident that Yu Tang and her co-workers will be able to surprise him with their out of box thinking, Wen Kai seems more intrigued by who the mole possibly could be.
Rushing into Wen Kai's office while calling his name in a familiar manner, Yu Tang blushes when she sees Elsa there as well and becomes even more embarrassed when Elsa congratulates her on their new relationship status.
Her thoughts completely on work, Yu Tang looks at Wen Kai with puzzlement when she finds out that he had summoned her just to ask her out for coffee. Missing ALL of the clues Wen Kai tries to give her, Yu Tang firmly turns the coffee invitation down and reminds Wen Kai to keep their private life and work separate.
Amused by the whole interaction as she watches from the sideline, Elsa asks Wen Kai with laughter in her voice once Yu Tang leaves "So what is having coffee suppose to stand for?" Frustrated and amused at the same time, Wen Kai sighs "If only she is half as quick as you!" then admits that having coffee was suppose to be their code word for going home together after work.
Yu Tang does eventually remember belatedly her own code word she had set up with Wen Kai but by then Wen Kai already has a dinner appointment with an owner of a manufacture plant.
Meanwhile, left on her lonesome, Yu Tang is having dinner with her best friend Heidi and is busy assuring her BFF that Elsa is not the kind of woman to steal someone's boyfriend. Frustrated at Yu Tang's apparent naivete, Heidi insists that Yu Tang calls Wen Kai for a check up and is somewhat satisfied when Wen Kai is obviously out on business dinner.
However, things hit a snag when in the middle of doing a practice filming for their new promotional video Yu Tang's co-worker accidentally puts the video on the web.
Ready to accept whatever punishment, Yu Tang and her co-workers look up in surprise when Wen Kai's severe tone suddenly changed as he smilingly tells them "But you guys lucked out this time. Check your phone."
As it turned out, instead of being taken as a false advertisement the video has gone viral with almost everyone thinking of it as a cleaver spoof. Their promotional video a roaring success, Department Three is soon busily trying to keep up with the overwhelming demand for their soap.
Definitely not helping out at home on a sunny Saturday afternoon but strolling around with Wen Kai instead, Yu Tang pleads for his understanding again when Wen Kai expresses her puzzlement at her desire to hide their relationship from her co-workers. Reluctantly agreeing to Yu Tang's request that they keep their relationship low key until she can prove herself fully at work, Wen Kai goes off to buy an ice cream for Yu Tang...and runs right into Yu Tang's co-workers.
Ninja's Thoughts
Well...looks like I was completely wrong last week. I thought for sure Zhi Yu's dad would be the source of Department Three's trouble but all the clues seem to be pointing to a mole inside the company.
I was also pretty surprised that Zhi Yu was no where to be seen in this episode. Is it realistic for the male second lead to be so...so...slow in creating trouble for our hero?? Oh, well. I am not missing Zhi Yu by any means, I am always one for more sweet scenes.
To be honest I am feeling a bit of apprehension about where the plot is heading. We still have eight episodes to go but no major conflict seem to be insight ...but then there are plenty of hints from both of our leads that there might come a time when our hero's promise to protect the heroine will be challenged.
So what is coming?? Elsa seems to have moved on, Zhi Yu doesn't look like the type to hang around once Yu Tang can clearly express her disinterest and it would be kinda tiresome for the writer to keep using work as the conflict point...so what's left?
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