After promising that she will outdo Mi Soon in every aspect Se Ri happily moves into the Bong family home and proudly strut around all the restaurant employees as their future boss. However, life as Mi Soon's replacement is not exactly what Se Ri envisions as she begrudgingly takes over the many household chores that has fallen on her.
Missing Mi Soon terribly, Mama Bong tolerates Se Ri's presence in her house but is not above doing little things to make her life harder. Left with the huge tasked of preparing the annual ancestral feast by Mama Bong, Se Ri beams with glee when she successfully shocks all the family members with a table of impressive dishes...that is until Jin Hwa (Mi Soon's oldest daughter) reveals the take out boxes and everyone realize that Se Ri had ordered take out instead of cooking herself.
Here is the interesting bit: Following her obviously displeased husband into their room with apprehension, Mama Bong had expected Daddy Bong to chew her out for picking on Se Ri by letting her do all the ancestral feast by herself but instead Daddy Bong complains "What were you thinking?! Do you think mother and father would want to accept a feast that is made by a woman like that?" Dang, Daddy Bong REALLY doesn't like Se Ri but he is doing a good job hiding it so far.
Bumping into Hae Won by chance while she is having a rather friendly private Chinese lesson with a good looking guy, Kang Min is immediately jealous but refuses to acknowledge it.
Slipping out of the door with his undelivered package of food still in his hand, Kang Min breaks out into a smile as he remembers Hae Won's surprised expression then suddenly grabs his chest in shock as his heart starts racing on it's own.
It has been two months now since Hae Ryung's divorce AND the ending of her friendship with Ji Gun. We find Hae Ryung working in her son's old elementary school as a food's teacher. Overjoyed to simply be surrounded by children, Hae Ryung shows the utmost patience when a student runs right into her and she ended up with a face full of cake.
The student turns out to be Young Woo, our hero's son who has moved back to Korea recently. Showing up to pick up his son, Ji Gun turns away from a cream covered Hae Ryung without recognition but stops in his track once the feeling of familiarity hits him. Chasing after Hae Ryung while wondering if he is just imagining things, Ji Gun finally gives up when his son stops him.
Missing Hae Ryung like crazy ever since they said their goodbyes, poor Ji Gun starts to wonder about his own mental state when he keeps finding himself chasing after anyone who remotely looks like Hae Ryung.
Surprised that Hae Ryung is still there when he opens his eyes, Ji Gun finally believes he is not imagining things and follows her as she walks out of the bookstore.
Bidding her friend goodbye as she jumps on the bus, the smile on Hae Ryung's face slowly fades. In a flash back we see that Hae Ryung had actually noticed Ji Gun following her when she accidentally dropped her phone a while back and that's why she had faked a phone call to her friend at the bus top in order to assure Ji Gun that she is doing well.
Staring at the phone in her hand, Hae Ryung begins to type a text to Ji Gun. "It's good to see you doing well." Erase, retype. "Long time no see." Erase, retype "I miss you. I really really miss you." I don't believe she sent the last text out although the show did show her hand hovering between the send button and the backspace button.
Their relationship finally confirmed, Ji Gun's love life gets another pleasant surprise when Hae Ryung unknowingly befriends his son at school and Hae Ryung has the pleasure of seeing Ji Gun's stunned expression when he shows up at school to pick Young Woo up.
Turning to looking at his father with hopelessness in his face, Ji Gun replies "Father...I knew, but I did it anyway. Pretending not to know. Running away again. I did it again. I can't be without that woman. I love that woman."
His mind still filled with his conversation with his father, Ji Gun can't find his usual easy smile when Hae Ryung plops down right beside him on a park bench and chatters on happily. Staring at the clueless woman in front of him, Ji Gun pleads silently "Please don't let her find out. Just her alone is all I ask."
In hopeless desperation, Ji Gun suddenly swoops in and plants a light kiss on a surprised Hae Ryung. Getting over her initial shock, Hae Ryung closes her eyes as Ji Gun wordless leans in again for a second ...and "cough" much more spectacular kiss.
Ninja's Thoughts
Dang...the sweet happy time didn't even last more than a week. But I guess we all knew Ji Gun was just burying his head in the sand this whole time. In fact, Ji Gun has been so forward with his feelings towards Hae Ryung that it has been easy to forget that he is carrying this huge burden...but according to the previews it looks like Ji Gun is going have to face the music soon.
To be honest it actually seem a bit unrealistic to me that Ji Gun didn't try harder to avoid Hae Ryung but then I guess fate didn't give him much choice when Hae Ryung keeps showing up in front of him with those "rescue me!" teary eyes.
On Mi Soon's part, she is no where near as cold as she is pretending to be but is forcing herself to remain aloof until she finishes the battle she has started.
My other favorite part is seeing how scared Man Ho and Se Ri are of Mi Soon's return. It is also really satisfying to see that Man Ho and Se Ri's new life together is no where near as blissful as they imagined. Now that Se Ri has successfully moved into the Bong family she seems to have lost all her taste for Man Ho and is already starting to become disgusted with how useless Man Ho is.
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