Equally pleased by Yu Tang's success, Wen Kai's happy mood immediately sours when he shows up at Department Three to find Zhi Yu there already. Remembering Madam Luo's (the wife of YOURS CEO and the one that signed the contract with Yu Tang) parting words that someone had spoken on behalf for her, Yu Tang mistakenly assumes that Zhi Yu must've been the one that helped her. Getting more peeved by the second as he realizes that Zhi Yu is getting brownie points for something he did for Yu Tang, Wen Kai all but pushes Zhi Yu out of the door.
Instead of answering Elsa's question, Wen Kai gives a slight smile and thinks back to an old memory of when he almost confessed his feelings. In the flash back we see our high school age hero tries to listen to his own confession on a recording pen. Popping out of no where, the young Yu Tong is at first surprised to realize the pen has Wen Kai's love confession then quickly jumps to action by running away with the pen and announcing to the whole neighborhood that Wen Kai has a crush.
Isolating herself emotionally after having all her work friends leave one by one in the past, Manager Meng had made a decision to not allow herself to become close to her co-workers anymore. However, Manager Meng's determination to be content with the company of her cat finally breaks down once the rest of Department Three barges into her apartment without invitation and joins Yu Tang's plea for her to not let fear stand in the way of experiencing new friendships.
Already flustered by the soothsayer's words, our two leads become even more aware of each other when they stop by to buy a cell phone for Manager Meng and the saleswoman assumes that they are a couple after taking one look at them.
The heightened awareness apparently effects our two leads deeply because the next morning they are still so flustered that Yu Tang spills Wen Kai's morning coffee on him. Ignoring the spilled coffee, Wen Kai stands up and leans in to place a kiss on Yu Tang...and wakes up in bed. Sigh! Stupid dream sequence.
In case that last bit confused you, the squid treat is apparently something that couldn't be bought but had to be won by luck so Wen Kai had accumulate a bunch of stuff in his quest for our heroine's favorite treat.
Reminded by Yu Tang's Freudian slip, Manager Meng slides up to Yu Tang and smiles suggestively as she shows her the cute picture of Yu Tang with Wen Kai on her new phone. Refusing to listen to Yu Tang's feeble protests that the picture was taken by the cellphone saleswoman, Manger Meng simply assures Yu Tang that she can keep a secret and sends the picture to her phone. Staring at the picture of herself with Wen Kai on the phone, Yu Tang catches herself smiling unconsciously then yells "Zhong Yu Tang! What are you thinking?!"
Giving Yu Tang a mildly disappointed look for her rather unoriginal idea of repackaging the soap as a way to booting sales, Wen Kai turns down Yu Tang's request for money but does hand her a stack of mystery files he has already prepared for her.
Both reminded of their dream again as Wen Kai hands the file to Yu Tang, our two leads jump with shock when their hands touch.
Bending down in unison to pick up the fallen file, Yu Tang and Wen Kai pause in mid action as their gaze meet once again.
Ninja's Thoughts
Ha! I was pretty surprised to see that Wen Kai actually tried to confess his feelings during high school. I guess I just figured he had been harboring his secret crush all this time without ever attempting to let Yu Tang know about it. Back in episode one I believe Yu Tang mentioned that Wen Kai had a crush on her best friend so I am assuming our hero's confession didn't go well at all and Yu Tang ends up thinking all these years that he likes her friend instead.
Sigh...all those years wasted when they liked each other all this time!!! One thing I am curious about is what the writer is planning to do with both of the second leads. Elsa is certainly picking up the very obvious signs that Wen Kai likes Yu Tang but that doesn't seem to stop her from being friendly to Yu Tang so I have high hopes that she won't turn into a evil second lead. As far as Zhi Yu goes...I am afraid he is rather forgettable up to this point.
As much as I hate it when second leads turn evil and would really rather see more of our two leads, I do think both of our second leads are under utilized if not almost unnecessary. On the other hand I do find it sweet that Yu Tang and Wen Kai give off this vibe that they only see each other and no one else can barge into their world. Sigh...forget making the two second leads more prominent in the story, let's just throw the two of them together so they can get their own happy ending too.
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