Rabu, 27 April 2016

Happy Home Episode 17-18 Recap

Happy Home Episode 17-18 Recap By Ninja
We are going to switch things up a bit this week and go over the two leads' story first since this week's episodes were more Mi Soon heavy. 

Eager to help Hae Ryung settle into her new house, Ji Gun shows up unannounced and insists on doing a bunch of "manly" tasks for our heroine...until he hurts himself and becomes Hae Ryung's assistant instead. 

While Hae Ryung is glorying in her new found freedom, the very impatient Madam Jang has already set up a marriage meet for her son. Annoyed by his mother's meddling, Hyun Ki declares "My wife would be very displeased by this situation" and walks out of the marriage meet. 

Actually mildly surprised that Hyun Ki took the time to make his little speech before storming out of the restaurant, Young Eun calmly tells him "Before we were lovers we were friends for 20 years, so as a friend I will tell you the truth. The more you hold onto that woman the more she will get hurt...and the reality is that you can't protect her." 
Unable to muster up enough courage to tell her parents about her decision to get a divorce yet, Hae Ryung decides to tell her little sister, Hae Won first. Despite being shocked by Hae Ryung's announcement, Hae Won nonetheless quickly chooses to support her Hae Ryung's decision once she finds out that her brother-in-law was cheating on her sister. 

Side note: Knowing how much of a shock Hae Ryung's divorce will be to her parents, Hae Won also decides to hide her pregnancy for the time being.
Falling back on his favorite trump card, Hyun Ki uses the clueless Daddy Bong to host his own promotion party and successfully shows Ji Gun first hand how much his in-laws like him. Visibly uncomfortable as he sits in Daddy Bong's restaurant, Ji Gun's expression turns even more sullen when Hyun Ki confidently hints that Hae Ryung would eventually go back to him (Hyun Ki) because of how much she loves her family. 

Fortunately, our heroine is made of a much sterner stuff than Hyun Ki thought and proves her resolution to end her marriage by confessing to her father her decision to get a divorce. To Hyun Ki's credit, he doesn't try to hide his mistake but admits quickly in front of Daddy Bong that he had an affair. 
After a sleepless night, Daddy Bong shows up at Hae Ryung's new house and tries to get his daughter to just forgive her husband's "mistake". Not backing down, a tearful but determined Hae Ryung begs her father to understand her inability to stay in such a broken marriage anymore and asks Daddy Bong to support her decision. 

Speechless as he looks at his crying daughter, Daddy Bong leaves without another word. 
Calling Hyun Ki out right after he leaves Hae Ryung's house, Daddy Bong is in no mood to forgive even when Hyun Ki kneels in front of him and promises to never cheat again. Not moved when Hyun Ki asks to be given another chance, Daddy Bong yells "Give you another chance so my child could die? For a child who has always suffered by herself instead of saying anything, a child who has never let me worry, how much has she been holding in? How much pain has she been through?" That much more disappointed because of how much he liked Hyun Ki, a sad Daddy Bong tells Hyun Ki to end the marriage quietly because that's what Hae Ryung desires. 
Much to the joy of all the ajummas in Hae Ryung's cooking class who has been complaining of Ji Gun's frequent absences, Ji Gun was finally able to make it to the last class. Smiling brightly as she watches all the ajumma taking great pleasure in teasing Ji Gun, Hae Ryung laughs when Ji Gun eventually makes his escape from the ajummas after the class ended to catch up with her. 
Readily agreeing to Ji Gun's request to help him pick out a birthday present to send to his son living overseas, Hae Ryung wonders around the mall with Ji Gun without realizing that their little outing has been seen by Ji Gun's ex-mother-in-law. So she would be Present Lee's wife and Kang Min's mother. Still holding out hope that Ji Gun would get back together with her daughter, Madam Lee is already mindful of Hae Ryung because of the hospital rumor so this little outing is not going to help at all. 
Mii Soon's Story:
Her heart aching to know how much pain her oldest daughter (Jin Hwa) has been hiding since she found out about her father's affair, Mi Soon's motherly instinct is still on full alert despite Jin Hwa's behavior has turned back to normal... sort of. Seemingly grown up overnight, Jin Hwa forces herself to put on a smiling face in order to ease her mother's mind but in reality the blind trust of her childhood has been ripped away and she can't look at her father the same way ever again.  
Still fearful that her father will be taken away, Jin Hwa gets on a bus when she mistakenly thought Se Ri was on it and ends up getting lost. Completely frantic when she finds out her daughter has gone missing, Mi Soon is a sobbing mess until Chul Soo steps forward and calms her down. 

Fortunately, Mi Soon soon gets a phone call from the police station informing her that her daughter has been found. 
Her suspicion aroused when her daughter tells her about seeing Se Ri around, Mi Soon follows Man Ho to a hospital and has her heart broken once again once she sees her husband with Se Ri. 

Stumbling home, an already overwhelmed Mi Soon explodes in anger when she sees Jin Hwa resorting to forcefully covering her little sister's ears due to her insensitive aunts talking about Man Ha's mistress right within the two girls' hearing. 
Stoic when Man Ho spins a lie about going on a trip with his "dying" friend, Mi Soon gives her husband one last chance and asks him to choose his daughter over his "friend" instead. Not surprised when an offended Man Ho insists that his"dying" friend needs him, Mi Soon readily agrees to let him leave on his trip and even gives him some money.  
Following closely behind as her husband happily drives off with his mistress in the very car she had bought him, a furious Mi Soon is ready to end it all by hurling her van right into the offending sight. Her fury turning to sadness at the last second as the image of her precious daughter flashes before her eyes, Mi Soon swerves at the last second and hits a telephone pole instead. 

His fear turning right into anger the moment he is out of danger, Man Ho confronts a still dazed Mi Soon and yells "Are you crazy? Were you trying to kill us?!" 

Staring at the man who didn't even bother to see how hurt she was, Mi Soon sneers sadly "Us? You and Se Ri are us? Then what am I?" Staring at Man Ho who feels no guilt to be caught lying but is instead busy accusing Mi Soon of being a scary woman, Mi Soon continues "I am finally seeing you. Let's end this...no, I will end this." 
Ignoring the shocked and confused impression on her husband's face, Mi Soon slowly limps away. 

Ninja's Thoughts
Yeah!!! Finally! I am assuming it might be a few more episodes before Mi Soon is divorced BUT I am so happy that she has finally realized that her husband is just hopeless. 

By the way, am I the only one torn about how I feel about pairing Chul Soo off with Mi Soon?? The writer has certainly made Chul Soo a really cool character and he certainly proved himself during Jin Hwa's disappearance that he can be the support that Mi Soon sorely needs...but isn't he just too young? Or is it just me?
After this week's episode I am actually starting to feel bad for Man Ho and Se Ri. Man Ho is not a evil guy by any means and I think deep down he actually cares more for Mi Soon than he realizes but in the end he is going to destroy everything he has over a woman who knows how to appease his pride. 

As for Se Ri, I feel bad for her because she is going to get exactly what she wanted  - Man Ho. The million dollar question I am really curious about is this: Will Se Ri still want Man Ho once Mi Soon leaves and she finds out that her "all capable" oppa is literally nothing without his wife? 
Sigh...maybe this week's episode should've been titled "Want a Happy Life? Get a Divorce!" because it sure feels like that's the case after seeing Hae Ryung's bright smile. Freed from all of shackles placed on her by her husband and his mother I am really curious to find out what our heroine's true personality is like when she no longer has to force herself to be something she is not. 
Speaking of being something she is not, I thought it was hilarious that we found out in this week that the perfect Madam Jang is actually a terrible cook. How sad is it that she only cooked once for her son and even then it was for a tv show.  

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