Airs: Saturdays
Episodes: 22
Synopsis: Based on a popular manga of the same name. The story follows the heroine, Balsa (Ayase Haruka) as she takes on the job of being a bodyguard to a young prince. Believing that his son is possessed by a water demon, the king is determined to kill the young prince which means Balsa now has to protect the boy from a whole nation chasing after him.
Seirei no Moribito Episode One Recap by Ninja
Respected for her great fighting skill despite being a woman, our heroine's life becomes complicated when she saves the life of Chagum, the second prince. Our main characters are not in the land of Kanabal so the emperor that will be mentioned later are not the same one that tried to kill Balsa.
Knowing full well that she is now on the run from the team of guards the emperor will surly send out after his son, Blasa none the less is determined to protect Prince Chagum with her life.
Up to this point we haven't seen too much evidence to prove that Prince Chagum is possessed by a water demon except the one time when the little boy sleep walks and Balsa notes that Prince Chagum's body smells like the water...a very particular water at that.
Balsa's luck runs out when the emperor's guards catch up with her and a fierce fight ensues. Yelling at Prince Chagum to run away, a severely wounded Balsa throws herself at one of the last remaining guards.
Ninja's First Impression:
Dang, Ayase Haruka is sure going all out for this drama but I love it! I am not familiar with the manga but judging by the little research I have done I think this show has a lot of promise. If the drama sticks close to the manga though there probably won't be much romance to speak of but judging by how great the first episode is I think this one might keep my interest even without the romance.
The production of Seirei no Moribito is quite impressive given that it definitely makes one feel like you are watching a movie instead of a tv show. I am also quite happy with how the show has been able to make almost every single character we meet memorable, if not downright intriguing. The heroine's character is obviously my favorite but I was also very taken with the Second Empress. How can you not be impressed with a mother who is willing to do anything to save her son even if that means she has to face the wrath of an emperor.
All in all, Seirei no Moribito is off to a good start and I am hopeful that it will continue to impress me.
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