Jumat, 19 Februari 2016

Friday Drama Round Up #68

Ninja's Friday Drama Round Up #68
Choco Bank (Korean web drama)

Web drama has been more miss than hit for me but this one is surprisingly cute and fun. The story is about our two leads who started their working life with great expectations...only to fail miserably. Because of a misunderstanding, our hero ends up having to repay a debt to the heroine by working in her cafe and soon both of our leads realize they could accomplish a lot more together than alone.

Yeah That's How It Is (Korean Daily, New)
I checked out the first couple episodes of this one and was at first put off by the amount of focus on the family conflict between the older generations. However, the show does have charm if one treated it as a slice of life sort of show. Unfortunately, as you can see from the promo poster, the show has a really large cast and I found myself too confused by the many story lines and soon lost interest.
My Son-In-Law's Woman (Korean Daily)
This K-daily has been airing for a while now but I didn't get around to it until this week. One thing I really liked about My Son-in-law's Woman is that the backstory really only took about two episodes to set up and our two leads even met a few times during it.

As the name suggests, the hero and his son live with his mother-in-law after his wife dies during a car-accident induced childbirth. The hero will of course meet the heroine and as our two leads fall in love their relationship with the mother-in-law will be pretty central to the story. The heroine is actually the mother-in-law's real daughter...it's a k-daily so birth secret is a must. 

Marry Me Or Not (Taiwanese Drama, Finished)

I was pretty sad to see this one end so soon but I was plenty happy with the ending so I could at least be satisfied with that. Do check this gem out if you have been one of those that has been waiting for it to end before starting it!
The Imperial Doctress (Chinese Drama, New)

Wallace Huo and Liu Shi Shi's new show. Going by the internet chatter, Wallace Huo's character is pretty awesome in this one...but I am still not watching it since going by the synopsis I can't see it being a happy ending. But for those of you who don't mind a little less than "happy ever after" sort of show then I think this one has a lot of potential.
 The Three Heroes and Five Gallants (Chinese Drama, New)

This one is a Wuxia story set in the time of the famous Bao Gong (aka Justice Bao, a legend as a champion of the weak against the rich and powerful) about a group of justice fighting heroes. Lots of cool fighting and of course some romance as well.

I checked out the first two episodes and while I wasn't completely wowed by it I thought the show was fairly enjoyable.
Princess Jie You (Chinese Drama, New)

Another EPIC historical C-drama. This one is about a Princess that is married off to a distant land and ends up conquering many difficulties with her unyielding compassion. Unfortunately, I am still scared off by the EPICness of this one but I was really tempted to throw caution to the wind when I saw the hero's (Yuan Hong) promo pictures:

Witch's Castle (Korean Daily) 

I have been following this K-daily pretty faithfully for a while so I am super excited that the romance between the two leads are finally starting in earnest!

For those who needs some catching up: Ep 9- 39 Catch Up

Oldies but Goodies 
Unbeatable (Chinese Drama, 2011, 30 episodes)

See lots of familiar faces? Unbeatable has plenty of big names such as Hu Ge (hero), Tiffany Tang (heroine), Roy Qiu and finally Qi Wei.

At first Unbeatable will seem like your usual slick city romance about a cool hero and our bumbling heroine but soon the corporate intrigue will start and then it starts to feel like an espionage show. I kinda wish the show had just stuck with the romance and not the corporate intrigue but still I think it was fun to see so many big names in one show.

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